Author: neil.pie
Good habits for password security
We all have it drummed into us to use different passwords for everything, but how many of us actually do? and how many of those use more than 2 or 3 passwords over and over again? If you ask yourself why not, it’s probably because you can’t / don’t want to remember lots of different…
Styling HTML elements in CSS without using classes / IDs
Something I came across for the first time recently is the practice of using HTML element attributes to apply CSS styles. The mathematics can be found at, but a basic example of where I use this technique is as follows… starting with a basic form… Demo Form Your Name Your Email Address To lay…
Googling with Laura-Jane
Not strictly something she said, but something worth a mention all the same. Sat in my chair the other night feeding our two week old son, and Laura-Jane walks in and wants to show me something related to babies on the internet. Awesome. I love baby stuff on the internet, it’s one of my all…