Author: neil.pie

  • Hello world!

    Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Vestibulum tortor quam, feugiat vitae, ultricies eget, tempor sit amet, ante. Donec eu libero sit amet quam egestas semper. Aenean ultricies mi vitae est. Mauris placerat eleifend leo. Quisque sit amet est et sapien ullamcorper pharetra. Vestibulum erat wisi, condimentum sed, commodo…

  • Taxonomy Term count hardcoded into WPDB

    Who knew, eh? Not me. I’ve been chasing the rabbit for two hours.

  • HTML5 forms & a new Macbook Pro

    WARNING: There is a distinct lack of hamsters in this video. Likelt very dull for non-geek types. Peace out.

  • Office Skiffle & The Effervescing Elephant

    Yet another video blog that has absolutely nothing to do with web programming. I hope you enjoy it and actively encourage you to get involved in the office skiffle movement. I’m not sure if there’s anybody in the office skiffle movement other than me at the moment, but we’re definitely changing the musical landscape. Instruments…

  • Using variables in CSS

    I’m working on a little PHP script to allow for variables and inheritance in CSS. I know there’s a ruby script that does this somewhere, but I fancy seeing if we can’t get a pure PHP version up & running between us. If you’re somebody that writes their own CSS and are willing to have…

  • ‘Silent’ video blogging

    Continuing my foray into the video blog world, I pretend to invent a whole new genre. I didn’t really. Technically I think it was invented by Bob Dylan but who can really tell? Pointless video really as a precursor to more pointless stuff, probably.

  • Welcome to my Video Blog

    I’ve been meaning to get on these for a while now. I intend to cover some real basic PHP introduction stuff, maybe some dev app guides and so on. Obviously, the common WordPress hacks that people ask me to do. For now though here’s me just saying ‘hello’ and introducing you to my hamster, Joe…

  • Germany government warns against Internet Explorer

    You may have seen these stories in the news recently, relating to some attacks on Google, the German Government and Internewt Explorer. The original news item The subsequent reaction I’ve tried as hard as I can to come up with something useful to say on the subject, but the only thing I keep coming up…

  • Finding the RSS Feeds of your Facebook Status Updates

    Edit:As of recent changes (7/2/2010) to FB, this is no longer working for me. You might have better luck. Why don’t facebook just make this stuff available? Edit: This method has worked for my account and several others, but fails for some people. If you are greeted with the message “This feed URL is no…

  • Limiting the number of times a PHP loop will run using the break command

    If you’re reading this page then you’re already likely familiar with the standard PHP for, while and foreach loops. If not, then may I suggest some background reading first – That said, I added a new weapon to my PHP arsenal today in the form of a better understanding of the break command. I’ve…